Desperate War of Japan in the Pacific
Tatsugoro |
Yakuza is outlaw of Japan. Kitano Takeshi dipcts violence of the outlaw[4]. Both yakuza and samurai are the same to be violent in the end of confict with men's society among themselves. Samurai's way was to take a sword for his life and honor. Therefore Edo bakufu (government) limited fighting among them and banned even beard manly. In the end of Edo era, Gokenin had no fighting spirit in peace[6]. Opium War surprised local governments of west Japan and a few ministers of Bakufu. Ministers were favor of young Shogun to control. All the ministers of Bakufu were from lords of small local governments. Lords from big local government could not take part in Bakufu's policy. But big diplomatic issue gave them to take part. They pretended royal to Mikado to get power. Then Yoshinobu appeared and was supported by Mito and other royalist hans. He became neurosis and could not sleep well with anxiety, when he stayed at Kyoto in 1863. He was a 25-year-old lord. His doctor recommend opium. He drank 6g of opium and recovered his health[3].
Yoshinobu talked diplomatic issue among big han's lords and royal court in Kyoto in 1864. Radical purists lost getting power in Mito han. So they gathered near Mt. Tsukuba.[15] Yoshinobu's father was lord of Mito han. 1,000 armed radicals determined to march to Kyoto. They might hope Yoshinobu's monarch. They crossed smalled hans in Kanto. The hans allowed to pass. Only troop of Takasaki han chased them. 15,000 Bakufu's troop sieged them in the north of Biwa Lake. They surrendered to Kaga troop. Why Bakufu could not crush the march in Kanto or Shinshu? It was a sign of decline of Edo Bakufu.
1863Feb03 Yoshinobu left for Kyoto
1863Feb21 Yoshinobu arrived at Kyoto
1863Jun08 Yoshinobu left for Kanagawa
1863Jun23 Yoshinobu arrived at Kanagawa
1863Dec30 Yoshinobu arrived at Hyougo by 順動丸
1864Jan05 Yoshinobu arrived at 東本願寺 in Kyoto[1]
1864Dec01 Yoshinobu moved his campus to Otsu
1864Dec12 Yoshinobu stayed at Umedzu[12]
1864Dec24 Yoshinobu Umezu for Kyoto
Former Prime Minister Abe resigned of nervous diarrhea. He also used a kind of drug to sleep well in a hospital[11]. Then Abe was 53 years old. They were the same descendent leaders who could not pile up experience to be seen among commons. Why do Japanese lawmakers prefer and select descendent leaders in crisis? I do not think Ozawa is powerful. Without experience to solve a common trouble, How do we handle a big issue? He was one of princes among political descendent leaders. He may not know common's life. I evaluate Trumann, though he decided to use nukes in Japan. I envy US to select such a leader to handle big issues alone. Experienced bureaucrats may be good for Prime Minister in Japan like Yoshida, though I do not like them.
2006Sep26 Imperial Household Agency approved of Abe's Prime Minister
2007Aug10 A medical doctor began curing Abe at kantei
2007Aug19 Abe left Japan for Malaysia, Indonesia and India
2007Aug22 Abe visited India and had curry to be ill
2007Aug25 Abe returned Japan
2007Sep10 Abe called a medical doctor
2007Sep12 Abe expressed resign of Prime Minister
2007Sep13 Abe was in hospital to sleep well
Bakufu made a troop of lower class samurai and outlaws in Edo to fight with challanging local radical hans. The troop was named Densyu-tai in March 1865 and trained by French military advisors who positioned in Yokohama[2][5].
Shogun Yoshinobu struggled for controlling Mikado. But the new infantry troop was defeated at Toba near Kyoto by local less troops of hans supported by artillery on 27 through 30 January 1868. Bakufu's ministers from Sabaku hans like Hikone in Edo were cool, for they thought Yosinobu was in favor of Imperial meeting. Yoshinobu did not order Hatamoto or Gokenin any loyality for him, when Bakufu lost power[7][8]. Only a boss of Yakuza called Shinmon Tatsugoro followed the last Shougn as a guard from Mito to Shizuoka, where the 1st Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu built a castle and died there[9].
1867Jan10 Imperial court allowed Yoshinobu to be Shougun
1867Jan11 Yoshinobu arrived at Edo
1867Nov19 Yoshinobu expressed resign of Shougun
1867Dec12 Yoshinobu retreated Nijyo to Osaka
1868Jan06 Yoshinobu was on Kaiyo-maru
1868Jan08 Yoshinobu departed Osaka for Edo
1868May03 Yoshinobu left 寛永寺 for Mito
1868May07 Yoshinobu arrived at Koudoukan of Mito
1868Sep05 Yoshinobu left Mito for Shizuoka
1868Sep07 Yoshinobu was on 蟠竜丸 and left Chousi for Shimizu Harbor
1868Sep09 Yoshinobu arrived at 宝台院 of Shizuoka
1869Nov01 Government allowed Yoshinobu's home curfew
New men's age began fighting abroad to get equality among powers since Meiji. After losing the Pacific war, common people hated manly. But Mishima Yukio dreamed of Meiji era and longered for manly Nogi. Recently I knew Nosaka Akiyuki saw him in a bar called Brunswick of Ginza on a newspaper[10]. Nosaka was a bartender then. Mishima had lived the way of men's love in 1955. He wanted men's illusion of Meiji as well as radical militarists dreamed of Showa Restoration.
I liked Mishima's brilliant style when I was young. Growing older and older, I felt his wroks empty. Mori Ougai had written real absurd men's society in his 'The Abe Family' of old Edo era in 1913. |
We called the conflict Tengu Party Revolt in Mito han in the end of Edo era. Long time ago Masakado revolted against royal court in Kyoto. He was a palace guard (滝口) of Mikado, when his father died. He returned to inherite his father's land. But he had to compete against his uncles. Armed fumyo (負名) might not trust Masakado without the background of his father. For example, it is very difficult to be a famous kabuki actor without his father's support. Most of famous congressmen of LDP inheritates their position. He campainged around Mt. Tsukuba. He declared to be Shinnou (新皇) at the capital of Shimotsuke, Tochigi nowday on 19 December 939.[13][14] On the day, a miko of 八幡大菩薩 appeared with a iki (位記) and told god's word. Masakado made a speech,
Both Yoshinobu and Shintarou were sons of great fathers. But they could not have members of Bakufu and LDP to trust them, although they were expected. Although Masakado could not establish his local govenment, his deed remained Kanto people's memory. A legend that his head had flown from Kyoto spread. There was his tomb at Edo in 14th century, though he died at Shimotsuke. 遊行二世真教上人 built a shrine called Kanda-myoujin (神田明神) near the tomb in 1309.[16] Originally Masakado was a son of Taira clan. The Taira clan's home was Ise. The clan might be spread along the coast of Edo and Kashima.
[1] Tokugawa Yoshinobu
[2] Denshu-tai
[3] Ouki, p21
[4] Kitano Takeshi
[5] Densyutai
[6] Gokenin
[7] Sabaku hans
[8] Hatamoto
[9] Shinmon Tatsugoro
[10] Nosaka Akiyuki
[11] Abe Shinzou Saigo no 3 kakkan
[12] 包囲された天狗党と追討軍の配備状況
[13] 下野国庁跡
[14] Shimomukai, p74
[15] 筑波山
[16] 首塚の歴史をたどってみる
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