Provider web server can show your field or greenhouse measurement

Click TWE.txt to see updated measurement results of my scratch wireless sensors in my yard. If you write a simple BAT file and script to work ftp, PC task scheduler updates your field or greenhouse temperature automatically.

If you register 'username' and 'password', you can mask the measurement.

I confirmed that manual FTP command worked well by bat file at first. I worked the bat with task scheduler on Windows XP. The task repeats uploading each time. So you can see the updated result. Press F5 key to update the result.

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TWE.txt を クリックして下さい。TWE.txt は3個のワイヤレスモジュールの測定結果を表示します。温湿度,温度および照度です。 それぞれが2個の温度センサと 光センサ出力を表示します。測定結果を更新するにはF5キーを押して下さい。


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