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This page contains kanji characters.

Thunder birds
I use a drilling machine to work small holes. Engineers in Japan call it boruban. The original word may be 'boor bank' in Netherlandish. The word propagated in Edo era, I suppose. Although I had studied mechanical engineering in a university or an institute for 8 years, I did not learn to make a hole by drilling there. Once I found blade of a drill blunt, when I was making holes. I did not know how to grind the blade, so I looked up my old text books titled precion worrking method for undergraduate, whose author was from zouhei-gakka in 1932. The zouhei-gakka was established in 1887. The book writes theory and working characteristics. It is not practical. I have another one titled working manual. The book writes how to grind a drill. The author graduated in 1950.
zouhei-gaku shiryou-kan
seimitsu kou-gakka

I remember a drilling machine of Thunderbirds on TV. All the boys of Japan adored kokusai kyujo-tai (international rescue). Naturally the program was translated in Japanese, strangly launching count down was in original low voice in English, three, two, one... It sounded cool.
Mini jet mogura no keifu

I referred to kokusai kyujyo-tai. Here tai of kyujyo-tai means a band or group. Bakufu(Edo Goverment) named a western style infantry Denshu-tai in 1867. Daimyo(lord) had called their traditional armed troop gumi or kumi, as umamawari-gumi for calvary before. Hagi-han also organized new infantry called kihei-tai in 1863. Military Governers of Meiji preferred to -tai (��) rather than -kumi (��). In Japan, kido-tai (riot police), seinen-tai (youth band), jiei-tai (self defence force), gun-tai (military) and syonen-tai (boys unit) of pops. There are a lot of bands. They were used wide in IJA and IJN. syo-tai (platoon), chu-tai (company), dai-tai (battalion), ren-tai (regiment), hiko-tai, koku-tai, sicho-tai, hokyu-tai, tushin-tai, kempei-tai (MP), hohei-tai (infantry), houhei-tai (artillery), sensya-tai, kan-tai (fleet), sen-tai, kuchiku-tai (flotilla), rikusen-tai (Marines), and kido bu-tai(carriers task group). kihei-tai (cavalry). ��ʼ�� is the same pronunciation, kihei-tai. Meiji Goverment discarded samurai's organized names. Japanese pop culture likes the word kido (��ư). IJN called it first on June 1941. I do not why Japanese police adopted the name, kido-tai for riot police in 1952.
kihei-tai (��ʼ��)
kidou bu-tai (��ư����)

Tradititional kumi seems old fashioned to Japanese people, though yakuzas, shools and Takarazuka love it now, for example, Yamaguchi-gumi and yuki-gumi (����) of Takarazuka. I learned at take-gumi (bamboo class), sakura-gumi (cherry class) in an elementary school. Chinese people called gang of Four (4����, 4-nin-gumi). It seems that ��, �� and �� are the characters to have a little dark side in China. I think secret society changed Chinese history. The societies (kessha) had a violent taste because bureaucrats and soldiers always was to rob people.
Gang of Four
Himitsu kessha

Drill for adult
Drill for adult
I learned the pronunciation of 'drill' from a teacher in high school. He said us to listen to the difference between 'R' and 'L' sound proudly. We have said 'doriru' since our childhood. I do not know the difference even now. Do-ri-ru was nasty word for pupils, the word was printed in katakana characters on a cover of a homework book. I listed up doriru at Amazon.jp. What a lot of 3,498 was hit! I show a drill book for adult by Prof. Kawashima. In high school or university, the word drill was replaced enshu (�齬) meaning practice. I found the words, drill and practice are military terms lately. Are Japanese people fond of drilling? My son and I watched a American drama on DVD. A tiny girl played an electronic sudoku puzzle in the drama.

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